Apa seeh Proctor itu?

Setelah ada Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer atau juga sering disebut Ujian Nasional CBT (Computer Based Test) Tahun 2005 ini, muncul istilah baru "Proctor". Lalu apa sih artinya proctor? apa sama dengan provokator? langsung saja kita lihat dari sumbernya berikut ini:

Pertama kita lihat dari http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/proctor

1. a person appointed to keep watch over students at examinations.
2. an official charged with various duties, especially with the maintenance of good order.
verb (used with object), verb (used without object)
3. to supervise or monitor.

Lalu kalau dari sumber ini: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proctor

Proctor, a variant of the word procurator, is a person who takes charge of, or acts for, another. The word proctor is frequently used to describe someone who oversees an exam or dormitory.

The title is used in England in three principal senses

In law, a proctor is an attorney or solicitor acting in some courts.
In the church, a proctor represents the clergy in Church of England dioceses.
In education, a proctor is 1) the name of university officials in certain universities, or 2) a supervisor during an exam.

Kita Lihat dalam Education
Proctor has two completely different meanings in education: it refers to either a high official in certain universities, or to any teacher or other staff member at a university, secondary school or even elementary school when they are supervising the administration of a test or examination. In British, Canadian, Australian and South African English, persons acting in this latter capacity are referred to as invigilators.

Kalau di translate pakai google:

Proctor adalah rang yang ditunjuk untuk mengawasi siswa di ujian.

Proctor memiliki dua makna yang sama sekali berbeda dalam pendidikan: mengacu ke salah satu pejabat tinggi di universitas-universitas tertentu, atau kepada guru atau anggota staf lain di universitas, sekolah menengah atau bahkan sekolah dasar ketika mereka mengawasi administrasi tes atau pemeriksaan. Di Inggris, Kanada, Australia dan Afrika Selatan Inggris, orang yang bertindak dalam kapasitas yang terakhir ini disebut sebagai invigilators.

masih bingung ??? semoga bermanfaat...

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Pelatihan Proctor Hotel Pandanaran Semarang 270315

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